Granulation tissue and early wound healing.

Wound Healing

The growth of new cells is one of the most obvious signs of early-stage wound healing. This is known as cell proliferation. Granulation tissue is always the first tissue type to begin appearing in a newly healing wound. As with other types of tissue growth, naturally produced chemical signals control this regenerative response.

The growth factor Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen (PCNA) is the specific “chemical signal” responsible for granulation tissue. Not surprisingly, it can be found in abundance in newly healing wounds. It is this pink, highly vascular tissue which occupies the “wound defect” of any cut or scrape. Wayne and colleagues have noted dramatic increases in PCNA levels after treatment with ESWT and other associated treatments. Stojadinovic et al documented similar findings. More research is needed, yet it’s safe to say that initial results are promising.

Does this mean that treatments like ESWT are effective for wound healing? Reaching further, can it be effective for diabetic ulcers and other non-healing wounds? The simplest answer is “most likely.” It’s reasonable to assume that a dramatic increase in growth factors such as PCNA positively affects wound healing.

Studies by scientists such as St. Pierre et al (2014) have conclusively linked ESWT to large increases in growth factors. Specifically, this refers to naturally occurring chemicals such as Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF). Compounds such as these support a process called “Angiogenesis.” This may sound like a complicated term, yet it simply means “the growth of new blood vessels.”


More research is needed. Yet it may be reasonable to assume that a treatment which supports angiogenesis at the sight of injury is beneficial. Further still, additional studies (Wayne et al, 2016) reach similar conclusions. Namely, that Regenerative Therapies (like ESWT) promote large increases in levels of tissue and blood vessel growth factors.

How To Speed Up Wound Healing Naturally

1. Turmeric

Natural antibiotic and antiseptic substance that has been utilized for therapeutic purposes for many years.

Turmeric’s curcumin aids wound healing via regulating collagen, according to a study published in the journal Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry.

If the wound is bleeding, add turmeric to it and the bleeding will stop right away. To cure entirely, take a glass of turmeric milk every night before bedtime.

2. Aloe Vera 

The antibacterial, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant effects of aloe vera are well-known. It’s the most common home cure for wounds and bruises.

Aloe vera gel applied to the open wound for a few days will totally heal it. Phytochemicals in aloe vera gel also aid to relieve pain and inflammation.

 Apply aloe vera gel to the injured region and let it dry to speed up the healing process. Rinse with clean water thereafter.

3. Onions

Onions contain allicin, an antibacterial substance that prevents infection of the wound.

Onions also have anti-inflammatory qualities that aid in wound healing and inflammation reduction.

Onions can be ground into a paste and applied to the open wound. It will aid in the killing of bacteria before they infect the wound. Garlic and onions combined in a paste can also help wounds heal quickly.

  1. What can be consequences of not taking care of a wound?

Neglecting proper care for a wound can lead to various consequences, ranging from minor complications to more serious infections and long-term damage. Here are some potential consequences of not taking care of a wound:

  1. Infection

Wounds that are not properly cleaned and dressed are at risk of becoming infected. Bacteria, viruses, or other pathogens can enter the wound, leading to an infection. Signs of infection include increased pain, redness, swelling, warmth, pus or discharge, and fever. If left untreated, infections can spread, causing systemic illness or requiring more aggressive treatment.

  1. Delayed Healings

Poor wound care can hinder the healing process. Inadequate cleaning and dressing may result in a prolonged healing time, preventing the wound from closing properly and increasing the risk of scarring. Chronic wounds, such as pressure ulcers or diabetic foot ulcers, may develop due to insufficient care, leading to long-term complications.

  1. Scar Formations

Improper wound care can contribute to the formation of unsightly scars. Wounds that are not kept clean and moist during the healing process may result in excessive scar tissue formation, which can be raised, thickened, or discolored.

  1. Abscess Formation

An abscess is a localized collection of pus that can develop within or near a wound. When a wound becomes infected and the body’s immune response is not effective in clearing the infection, an abscess may form. Abscesses can be painful, require drainage, and potentially lead to further complications if left untreated.

  1. Cellulitis

If bacteria enter a wound and spread into the surrounding tissues, it can lead to a condition called cellulitis. Cellulitis is characterized by redness, swelling, warmth, and pain in the affected area. It requires prompt medical attention, as it can progress and spread to deeper tissues or the bloodstream.

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