10 Most Popular Myths About Spider Veins 

Have you noticed that your veins are being visible more clearly than before, especially on the legs? If yes, it’s nothing else but spider veins and here’s Myths About Spider Veins . 

This condition arises due to poor blood circulation in veins, this can happen if you do a job in which you have to stand still for longer durations. Since when your heart sends blood to your legs, your veins have to do a lot of hard work while pumping the blood back to your heart. 

The work is against gravity which results in poor circulation and spider veins. 

If you are looking at its treatment, you will hear many myths and misconceptions about spider veins which can make it difficult for you to find the right treatment. That’s why in this article we are going to debunk some of the most popular myths so that you can get the right treatment. 

Surgery is the Only Treatment 

It’s a myth. Many treatments are depending on your edition. 

Spider veins can be treated at home with compression socks and stockings, but they can also be treated in a hospital setting. 

One of the medical treatments is sclerotherapy. For more than 80 years, this procedure has been used to treat spider veins and has proven to be highly effective. Sclerotherapy involves injecting a solution into the afflicted veins using a syringe, causing them to shut and blood to reroute through other, healthy veins. 

It’s Common in Elderly People 

This myth is often true, spider veins are more common as people get older, although they can strike anyone at any age. 

As we get older, our veins can’t work like before. That’s why this condition is often common in elderly people. 

Spider and Varicose Veins Aren’t Different 

Spider veins and varicose veins are two separate types of veins caused by a medical disease that produces weakened or damaged valves and blood flow interruption.

Spider veins are small veins that form just beneath the skin’s surface and are produced by several variables, including lifestyle, inheritance, a history of blood clots, extended standing, and hormones. 

Varicose veins are larger than spider veins and can be uncomfortable. Some people choose to ignore varicose veins, but if they become too painful, they should be seen by a doctor.

It’s a Cosmetic Problem Only 

Many people may think that spider veins are only a cosmetic problem as most of the time they are painless and people treat them mostly for cosmetic reasons. However, it’s not the truth always. 

It can affect your life in some other ways too which include: 

  • Discomfort 
  • Swollen skin 
  • Increased chance of blood clots 
  • A lot of blood loss when an injury occurs 
  • Changes in skin color 

All these reasons prove that it’s not only a cosmetic reason, so don’t be shy if you are while seeking medical treatment. 

Only Women Get Affected By this Condition 

While women are more prone than men to have spider veins, men can develop them as well. Studies reveal that 60 percent of all men will develop a vein disease at some point in their lives, with a spider or varicose veins. 

They aren’t Dangerous 

Spider veins are the result of faulty valves in the circulatory system. They’re usually not hazardous when they’re minor, but blockages in your vascular valves can be quite deadly over time, especially when they’re combined with a blood clot. If ignored for longer durations they can show some risks like: 

  • Bleeding 
  • Bruising swelling 
  • Blood pooling 

Sunscreen Prevents Spider Veins 

While sun exposure has been related to spider veins, they can form even if the exposure is little. Sunscreen has not been proved to minimize or prevent spider veins in humans. To help prevent premature aging and skin cancer, you should constantly wear sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher. 

  1. They are Visible Above the Skin 

When varicose veins press to the surface of the skin and appear as bulging, bluish cords, people commonly discover they have them. However, similar veins can also be found deeper in the body, where they are not visible. It’s possible that you won’t notice them if there’s a lot of fatty tissue between the muscle and the skin. 

So make sure you get checked if you have weariness, pain, restlessness, or cramping in your leg muscles.

  1. They aren’t Painful 

Just because varicose veins are more likely to require treatment, doesn’t imply spider veins aren’t bothersome. Spider veins are unsightly and might feel as if they are burning. If they hurt, they may also be raised higher than usual, which should be discussed with your doctor because it could indicate a more serious underlying condition.

  1. Veins May Come Back Sclerotherapy 

Sclerotherapy for spider veins allows the afflicted and treated veins to shut and vanish, however, it does not address the underlying cause of spider vein formation. While the treated veins will not return, there is still a chance that new spider veins will appear in the same place over time. 

Intense pulse light (IPL), which similarly treats spider veins, can not guarantee that spider veins will not form in other veins in the future. Sclerotherapy and IPL don’t treat underlying valve abnormalities in your blood arteries that cause spider veins. These treatments, on the other hand, do improve the appearance of your skin, particularly on your legs and face.

  1. Its Treatment is Expensive 

When compared to IPL, which might be more expensive and require multiple treatments, scleotherapy is the less expensive treatment for spider veins.

Sclerotherapy is often a far more cost-effective choice if you’re a good candidate for it because laser treatment can take several sessions before you receive the results you want. IPL, on the other hand, is more effective for some persons or in some spider vein locations. It is possible and vital to treat spider veins to avoid more significant problems in the future. 

Home Remedies Can Help Everyone

Home remedies and lifestyle changes are super effective on problems like spider veins but unfortunately, not everyone can use them. If you have a weak immune system, you are over the age of 60 and have poor blood circulation then there are fewer chances these natural treatments will work on you. Additionally, if your spider veins are so old then it’s hard for remedies to work because it’s best to use them when your condition is new. If have any of the above problems then don’t waste your time trying tons of home remedies since medical treatments like sclerotherapy will surely help you and remove those ugly veins!

Spider Veins And Varicose Veins Are a Sign Of Aging

It’s not actually true. These venous diseases can occur anytime but some people think it’s more common in old age. It doesn’t matter if you are a teen, adult, or an old person as long as there is pressure on your legs you won’t be safe. They may also appear because of genetics, maybe your parents or grandparents suffered from these diseases too that’s why they appear!

Running May Cause Venous Diseases

Running can never cause you problems like spider veins or varicose veins!

Running and walking is good for your blood circulation in the legs then how can it cause you these kinds of problems? You can freely run as much as you want, walks will keep your legs healthy but make sure to not overdo it and take breaks.

Crossing Legs Causes Spider Veins

Crossing Legs Causes Spider Veins Varicose veins are typically unavoidable (the most significant risk factor is heredity), although they can be influenced by external circumstances. Crossing your legs, on the other hand, is not one of them. Crossing your legs or standing for long periods may irritate or provoke an existing condition, but it will not cause varicose veins to appear.

How do spider veins differ from broken capillaries on the face?

Spider veins and broken capillaries on the face may look the same but they are usually different problems, factors like their locations and causes can help you differ them:

1. Location: Spider veins just like varicose veins can appear on many different parts of the body including legs, arms, face and other body parts, while broken capillaries appear only on face especially near nose and cheeks.

2. Size: Spider veins are smaller than varicose veins, but broken capillaries are even smaller as they are tiny, dilated blood vessels on the surface of the face.

3. Appearance: Spider veins usually appear in a web-shaped pattern which is why they are called spider veins, however broken capillaries appear as thin, red and purple lines.

Can spider veins be treated during pregnancy or while breastfeeding?

Unfortunately, it’s not recommended to undergo a spider veins treatment during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. Especially for safety of the fetus as there are risk of them harming it. During pregnancy spider veins are common due to hormonal changes and increased blood volume, these veins usually go away after you have given birth to the baby, but they might take a little time. However, if they cause too much pain, you should consider vising your doctor.

Are there any specific exercises that can help improve circulation and reduce the risk of spider veins?

Yes, some exercises might greatly help you, here are some of them!

1. Walking: Probably the easiest and most simplest, exercises you can do! Walking helps you easily circulate your blood in your legs and keeps them healthy which should decrease the symptoms.

2. Swimming: A high impact exercise compared to talking, but it covers the movement of entire body which means it will improve the circulation of overall body.


Spider veins are common that’s why there are so many myths about them which can make it difficult for you to decide what should you do and what not for the right treatment. 

The above-debunked myths can help you to find the right treatment and if you have any health concerns about spider veins make sure to contact your doctor. 

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